Wednesday 1 February 2017


Don’t know when I started having this disease. It really is troublesome when you can’t control yourself and you can’t control the situation.

My trigger sounds are a bit different than what the internet says. I have no problem with the noise of breathe, yawn or whistle. But I do have a very mild reaction to the sound of someone chew when they are eating.

My trigger sounds :
1) The sound of my sister singing (not loud tho) especially when we are in a car
2) Repetitive sounds one of my brother made (like beatbox)
3) Sounds of someone repetitively knocking on something (like knocking their fingers on a table)
4) Sounds of music came from someone else’s earphone
5) Sounds of TV (at living room) when I am in my room

And the list goes on….

You see, those sounds are not specifically loud. Sometimes you can hardly hear the sounds but they can really catch my ears and I hate them!

What’s my reaction when the sounds triggered?
I feel so disturbed, annoying, angry, to the point I can throw punches to the person who made the sounds or if I can’t release the anger to that person (strangers) my anger might went out through other actions (kicking wall, punch a pillow, slam a door, etc). And I might even cry sometimes as the sounds could really stress me out. 

What do I do when I started to show reactions to the trigger sounds?
If I can’t handle the situations or the person who contribute to the sounds, I will just walk away from that place or I put on my earphones.
Let say it was at home and it was my sister or my brothers who made the sounds, I might just vented the anger on them. Huhuhu. 

Pardon my broken English.



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