Thursday 12 October 2017

Me'nate Shah Alam

Hari tu kami saja nak lepaking after office hours. Kami pun melepaklah di Me'nate Shah Alam. Dekat sikit dengan office.

Actually I supposed to make a reservation. Tapi I totally forgot about that as I was busy that week. Then Kak Shida sampai sana paling awal. Nasib baik dapat table.

Lama juga kami melepak. Dari pukul 6pm sampai 9pm kalau tak silap. Nasib baik tak kena halau. Huhuhu. Tapi kami order banyak tau. Dasar pelahap. Hahaha.

Overall service is okay. If you ask, staff will explain on what they have in store especially on their steak.

But the steak, nak kata sedap sangat tu, not really. Depends on tekak masing-masinglah kan. I ambil medium done Angus tenderloin with mushroom sauce. Steak was the main dish.

Our appetizer that evening was All Meat Pizza. Pizza sedap. Maybe sebab masa tu memang tengah lapar betul. Hahaha.

Then we have our Secret Recipe cake sponsored by Pika & Kak Ani. 4 slices okay. Jenuh nak sumbat semua dalam perut.

We also ordered Jumbo Beef Sausage. Tapi tak larat nak makan. Kenyang ya amat dah masa tu.

As for desserts, we had Creme Brulee & Strawberry Panna Cotta. Well I am not really a fan of desserts or any sweet kinda things, so I have no comments on the desserts. But if you have to hear me, I would say, nay, for the two desserts. But Kak Ani, Kak Shida & Tira makan okay je. They said the desserts were nice. Kak Shida boleh licinkan kot bowl tu. Hahaha.

Drinks pulak, refillable for those who order steak. So just ambil apa air yang ada. I don't remember exactly what drinks they offer to refill but as I remember they have coffee, manggo, peach (sumpah pelik rasa air ni), & few more options.

After makan, lepak sekejap, then keluarlah kami dari kedai tu sebab tengok orang macam makin ramai & table almost or memang dah full. Then kami lepak kat luar kedai pulak (actually kat parking depan kedai) sebab konon nak ambik gambar with signboard Me'nate tu. Noob gila! Hahaha.

That's all.



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