Monday 22 August 2016

Cara Dapatkan CCRIS Report Tanpa Perlu Kemana-mana

Okeh eberibadi! How to get your CCRIS report without taking a single step out of your home?
Honestly, I thought they will take about a month or at least a couple of week to reply me. Surprisingly, it took them 4 days only to provide me with the report. I emailed them on 16 August 2016 and they replied me on 19 August 2016. The most important thing is, it's free! ^^

Di sini saya share kan langkah-langkahnya.

1. Baca betul-betul info di website Credit Bureau BNM ni - Part bawah, 'Request by Individual'.
2. Then boleh download dorang kat website tu atau kat sini dan isikan betul-betul.
3. Pastikan anda sediakan segala dokumen yang diminta dan scan kesemua dokumen tersebut.
4. Hantarkan borang yang telah siap diisi bersama dengan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan ke alamat email dalam website tu.
4. Tunggu for about a week then you will get a reply from them.
5. For you to open your report, you need to call their hotline to obtain the password.
6. Enjoy your report!

For more details, do google all kind of info by yourself.

The way I do it:

1. Download and filled up the form, loan declaration and application checklist, dah siap isi, scan semua.
2. Scan juga IC, driving license, and download statement EPF kat website EPF. (IC and driving license make sure to scan depan belakang on the same page eh).
3. Submit all the scanned documents to their email:
4. Once I received their email attached with my CCRIS report, I called their hotline to obtain my password to open the report.

After my reading and research kat internet mostly kata the only way to get the CCRIS report is to go to BNM or other BNM kiosk and print the report from the machine. Tapi untuk pergi ke BNM akan mengambil masa and i dont have much time to spend to travel to BNM just to get CCRIS report.

Dan ada lagi satu cara via email juga tapi kena bayar. Redha je kalau kena bayar pun sebab nak pergi BNM pun ada cost juga, plus bazir masa. So I tried to get info on how to do that and sadly that service was no more available.

Then I found that Credit Bureau website and I just try my luck to obtain the report via email. Well I guess I am lucky! ^^



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