Tuesday 5 July 2016


Esok, raya. 2016. 
Tak suka bunyi mercun, meriam, bunga api, etc. Faktor usia ke apa? 

Tiap kali dengar bunyi benda-benda tu meletup, teringat bumi-bumi yang di terrorized. Hancur musnah segala yang mereka bina. Hilang orang-orang kesayangan mereka. Mereka bermandikan air mata dan darah. 

Bunyi letupan mungkin sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi mereka tetapi pasti setiap kali letupan itu berlaku akan meluruhkan hati mereka. Dan yang pasti tiada satu pun letupan itu bisa melakarkan senyuman di wajah mereka.

Unlike us, here in Malaysia.

At the end of the day, who / what do you think will last in this world? Each and everyone of us will die someday. So, what actually we are fighting for? What is the purpose of us, human being, living in this world? Just, what is wrong with people these days?

You know, we are human and human are not perfect. We are full of flaws. 
Can't we live loving each other? 
Can't we live embracing each other? 
Can't we live comforting each other? 
Can't we live completing each other?
Can't we just live peacefully? 

X X X 


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