Thursday 3 August 2017

Ruler : Master of The Mask

Episode 28.

Uarghhh! I seriously pissed off with YiSun the fake king! What the heck is wrong with him?!
He said to GaEun, "To stop the fate from making you suffer, I will protect you."
The heck man?! He can't even protect himself, how can he protect others?! Oh my god! I can't believe him!

Just because of a woman, he completely forgot his dead father, his mother and his little sister. He wishes to be a king with the help of people who made his life a living hell!

He is so selfish! If he becomes a real king, being a puppet to DaeMok, what will happen to the people? Their life will be a living hell, just like his life was!

I love k-drama but k-drama always make me swear! The antagonists are so real. Urghhh! I hate them! I know it's just a drama, but, still, I hate them!

I have been hating HwaGun & DaeMok since the first episode, it is so unexpected to hate fake YiSun more than the grandfather-granddaughter duo!

Oh damn you YiSun the fake king! I stopped in the middle of this episode because I just can't control myself. I need to calm down first before continue playing this episode.




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