Saturday 26 August 2017

Mimpi Yang Terlampau

Tidur agak lewat sebab syiok dok tengok seorang Korean auntie buat kimchi dan masak kimchi jiggae. Auntie tu letak pork dalam kimchi jiggae tu.

Then malam tu boleh pulak termimpi aku sendiri masak pork, tapi bukan masak kimchi jiggae lah. Aku pun tak tau aku masak apa dengan pork tu. Huhuhu.


Friday 4 August 2017

Ruler : Master of The Mask

Episode 32.

Now I don't feel like killing HwaGun. Thank you Hwagun for burning the poppy field.

YiSun the fake king is going to regret for what he has done. He said YiSun the real king put the mask on him. The fact is, he was the one who offered himself to be the fake. He was the one who wants to put on that mask. YiSun the real king never asked him to.


Thursday 3 August 2017

Ruler : Master of The Mask

Episode 28.

Uarghhh! I seriously pissed off with YiSun the fake king! What the heck is wrong with him?!
He said to GaEun, "To stop the fate from making you suffer, I will protect you."
The heck man?! He can't even protect himself, how can he protect others?! Oh my god! I can't believe him!

Just because of a woman, he completely forgot his dead father, his mother and his little sister. He wishes to be a king with the help of people who made his life a living hell!

He is so selfish! If he becomes a real king, being a puppet to DaeMok, what will happen to the people? Their life will be a living hell, just like his life was!

I love k-drama but k-drama always make me swear! The antagonists are so real. Urghhh! I hate them! I know it's just a drama, but, still, I hate them!

I have been hating HwaGun & DaeMok since the first episode, it is so unexpected to hate fake YiSun more than the grandfather-granddaughter duo!

Oh damn you YiSun the fake king! I stopped in the middle of this episode because I just can't control myself. I need to calm down first before continue playing this episode.




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